Lost Chance for Free Publicity: I Turned a Bad Purchase into a Tax Credit

photograph of the truck with details listed beside the photo, used as a header image

Back in February 2011, smilie face frowning with thumbs down showing disapprovalI made the mistake of trusting an Oshawa GM dealership, after a friend assured me that times had changed, explaining that he had received good customer service from this once well-known to be dishonest dealer. This former co-worker and friend introduced me to his salesman, and I let him talk me into using the new vehicle voucher that was given as part of the package deal I had received for having been forced out of work back in 2009.

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What Animal Eats Impatiens Only?

a picture of an opossum

After the second week of attacks on my impatiens, I started asking neighbours if they were suffering a loss of flowers, but nope!

One neighbour claimed that even the rabbits have been leaving his veggie garden alone this year.

Many of my neighbours must have thought I was crazy, I mean, what animal would want to eat impatiens only, right?

…though whatever it was, it did eat off the tops of white daisies that had already gone to seed.

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Is It Any Wonder Why Highschool Bullying Has Become An Epidemic?

bullying in all caps used as a header image

Oh, how clearly I remember the highschool I attended. It was a rural highschool, located in a ‘not so well off’ financially-speaking, area in southern Ontario. Oh, and how the “rich kids” would be standing in the hallways every morning… in two groups, ready and waiting to intimidate us “poor kids” as we passed by them on our way to first class.

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Why I’m Weaning Myself From Shopping Regularly At WalMart

close up view of a man frightened, with my tax bill shown behind him

Some shoppers profess that “WalMart saves me money!” …while others, like me, are left asking, “Where’s the stock for the special you advertised this week?” …and this is only one reason why I’m weaning myself from shopping regularly at WalMart.

WalMart is pulling the same trick stores did back in the late ’70s. You know, advertising a great special that is to last one full week, and then having a limited supply of that stock… in ALL stores… for the sale. It’s back to the lost leader with limited stock scam, once again.

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