Neuro-Elite: Real or Scam? – 1/5 Stars!

a bottle of Neuro-Elite used as the header image

During one of my sessions on Twitter, I noticed this big ad about a product similar to the NZT-48 (Modafinil) drug that has recently been focused on, in both the movie and TV series called Limitless. This drug was said to improve one’s memory … immensely so.

Now mind you, on the now cancelled Limitless TV series, they exaggerated the affects a LOT, by having Brian Finch’s abilities so improved as to enable him to help the FBI solve very complex cases rather quickly. He could read through a stack of files within minutes … AND, put all clues found together quickly!

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How to Get Joint Pain Relief

an outline of a human body sitting back to us, skeleton in red so to emphasis the topic here

Wasn’t all that long ago that I first learned of SierraSil Joint Formula14 from Erin Davis (soon to be former DJ for CHFI <sniffle, sniffle>). This stuff was said to work in less than 30 days (now said to be 14 days) or your money back, so, what did I have to lose by trying it; Nothing, of course.

And, this stuff gave me quick joint pain relief for several years!

However (… there’s always that however somewhere, huh …) earlier this year, I started having severe hip joint pain and found myself in for two visits with my GP (General Practitioner) within two months in hope of hip joint pain relief.

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