Flavourstone Pans – NOT Really Worth the Money

a picture of a lady with two thumbs down

On September 18, 2012, Thane Direct shipped me my 3-pc set of Flavourstone cookware with one lid, at the cost of $115.08. I have to admit, their raving list of benefits for using their cookware that was given during their infomercial had me intrigued. Here is a screen print of what they claim at http://www.thane.ca/flavorstone/:

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Revolution – The Truth Why You Should Not Use This On Your Dog

box front from Revolution used as header image

My precious, little Nugget was born 13 June 2002, a very lucky number for me.

On April 2005, I was introduced to a “new” product for flea, tick and mite control and heart worm prevention, called Revolution… a liquid that was to be applied to my dog’s back, between his shoulder blades, once a month.

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Lost Chance for Free Publicity: I Turned a Bad Purchase into a Tax Credit

photograph of the truck with details listed beside the photo, used as a header image

Back in February 2011, smilie face frowning with thumbs down showing disapprovalI made the mistake of trusting an Oshawa GM dealership, after a friend assured me that times had changed, explaining that he had received good customer service from this once well-known to be dishonest dealer. This former co-worker and friend introduced me to his salesman, and I let him talk me into using the new vehicle voucher that was given as part of the package deal I had received for having been forced out of work back in 2009.

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Soy Consumption May Hasten Osteoporosis…

bottle of ShapeWorks soy protein powder

Herbalife August 2009, I signed up for a Herbalife distributorship, and started receiving products the same month. It was suggest by my upline, that I should start taking Personalized Protein Powder and ShapeWorks Meal Replacement in a shake in order to maintain good health. In fact, I was originally told to use soy milk in place of regular milk to prevent additional calorie intake… which sounded reasonable to me.

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Garage Door Opener… Did You Know?

Manufacturer's note on how to program garage door remotes for older models

As the old saying goes, “never rains but it pours”… I had my garage door opener ‘die’ a couple of days ago. Off to Lowe’s I went, after discovering during a telephone conversation with a service rep, that batteries for garage door openers were available.

Huh, once I returned home and tried the opener with the new battery installed, I discovered it STILL didn’t work. So, once I had more time, I did a search engine check on my Sears garage door openers…

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