Flavourstone Pans – NOT Really Worth the Money

On September 18, 2012, Thane Direct shipped me my 3-pc set of Flavourstone cookware with one lid, at the cost of $115.08. I have to admit, their raving list of benefits for using their cookware that was given during their infomercial had me intrigued. Here is a screen print of what they claim at http://www.thane.ca/flavorstone/: screen print of Flavourstone's claim of benefits

What I did not expect is that less than 2 years of moderate use of the frying pan, would cause it to lose its white flecked surface as it has. In fairness to Thane, they clearly post a 1 year manufacturer’s Warranty on their website, so they could rightly state that my frying pan lasted slightly longer than their warranty. “Highly durable”? Me thinks NOT!

The non-stick surface truly had me impressed… until I noticed that so many little white flecks are missing in quit a large area of my frying pan. I became concerned that I was eating them every time I used my frying pan to cook anything.
Flavourstone Cookware frying pan with large area of coating missing
So, naturally, I sent an email to paypall_ca@thanedirect.com, as this was the email address supplied to PayPal as the Merchant’s email address. In my email, I supplied the photo shown above, along with my transaction number and date of purchase, and asked them for advice, as I suspect these missing white flecks may be causing me a health hazard.

Seven days later, having not heard back from that email, I then forwarded a copy of my original email to customercare@thane.ca, and this time, I received an automated reply of:

screen print of email from Thane Direct Canada Customer Care
…so, I was sure that I would hear back from someone. But, alas, here it is two weeks later and I have NOT heard back from anyone.

Do I think they really care? Um… no.

Will I recommend or buy from Thane Direct in the future? Certainly NOT!

So, save yourself a lot of hassle, wasted money, and a potential health hazard and buy your non-stick frying pots and pans from a local store.

Canadian Tire offers a Heritage Rock non-stick cookware detailed at: https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/heritage-the-rock-forged-non-stick-cookware-set-10-pc-1427071p.html

Personally, I’m off to buy the 26cm frying pan that’s on sale for 70% less this weekend (3 May 2014) at Canadian Tire, detailed here: https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/heritage-the-rock-frying-pans-2-pk-2992758p.html

Don’t worry, this frying pan goes on special periodically throughout the year, you just need to watch for it to be listed on sale in your local Canadian Tire flyer.

If you have suggestions as to where to purchase excellent quality non-stick pots and pans, please share with all of us by leaving comment. For those of you who stumble upon my REAL review of Flavourstone cookware, please be sure to say so in comment below.

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Given my passion for genealogy, is it any wonder that I eventually wanted to publish my work? Learning to use a personal computer was a natural step once I was introduced it in the 1990s. Then the internet offered a second means to "publish" and now, here I am with a personal blog.

4 thoughts on “Flavourstone Pans – NOT Really Worth the Money”

    • I hear you Louise. My Flavourstone frying pan had the coating come off WITH what I cooked in it … which is why I wrote this post. Hoping no one else would get stuck with a bad purchase. The Heritage Rock non-stick frying pan I replaced it with is STILL looking like new!


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