Perfect Smoothie Recipe Even For Dieters

I love my smoothies, and up until recently, I used to make them with 2 scoops of frozen yogurt, 1 cup of organic milk, 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 tsp. vanilla, and frozen strawberries all blended together in my Magic Bullet.

Now, I find my smoothies are much more nutritious and less fattening when following the recipe below.

Perfect Smoothie Recipe Even For Dieters

You’re not to worry about adding Chia seeds to your smoothie. They have NO flavour!

The Secrets About Chia Seeds

  1. Appetite suppressant
  2. Stops food cravings
  3. Reduce blood sugar levels
  4. Raise energy levels
  5. Known to decrease:
      1. blood pressure
      2. blood sugar levels
      3. inflammation
  6. Very high source of omega-3
  7. Gluten-free
  8. Highest plant-based source of protein
  9. Excellent source of fiber (prevent diverticulitis!)
  10. Antioxidant
  11. Low calorie

NOTE: Better Nutrition journal warns that Chia seeds absorb approximately 9 times their weight in water… so; you need to be aware they CAN be constipating. In other words, don NOT over consume Chia seeds, thinking you’ll gain on the benefits, you won’t. One tablespoon of Chia seeds daily is ALL you’ll need.



WarningREAD THIS before EVER considering to use Soy Protein!

UPDATED 20 February 2017:
Now I simply use water, one scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, about a hand full of frozen strawberries and one half tube of strawberry flavouring blended using my MagicBullet blender for my summer smoothies.

For my winter smoothies … or should I say, hot cocoa … I use milk (poured until about 1/2 inch from the top of my MagicBullet cup) with one scoop full of chocolate whey powder blended using my MagicBullet blender, poured into my large coffee cup (yes, I LOVE my coffee too) and placed in the microwave for 1 minute 25 seconds. Voila!

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Given my passion for genealogy, is it any wonder that I eventually wanted to publish my work? Learning to use a personal computer was a natural step once I was introduced it in the 1990s. Then the internet offered a second means to "publish" and now, here I am with a personal blog.

2 thoughts on “Perfect Smoothie Recipe Even For Dieters”

  1. People merely do not take in any kind of case that there is something fantastic that suppresses the hunger alone. They inspect and double check on consumer reviews and product reports if the substance used in a specific cravings suppressant is risk-free or if it is normally derived from plants.


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