August 2009, I signed up for a Herbalife distributorship, and started receiving products the same month. It was suggest by my upline, that I should start taking Personalized Protein Powder and ShapeWorks Meal Replacement in a shake in order to maintain good health. In fact, I was originally told to use soy milk in place of regular milk to prevent additional calorie intake… which sounded reasonable to me.
Best Out of Office AutoReplies – mornin’ chuckle
10 Ways to Save Thousands of $ on Home Renovations
In our present economic climate, it’s obviously smart to keep costs to a minimum; especially when it relates to impulsive home improvements. However, you shouldn’t have to give up on home repairs altogether.
Dog Owners Be Aware – Dog Health Problems
My little 12 pound Shih Tzu was sick again last night. That’s the second night in a row! And, this time it wasn’t just stomach acids, but his undigested dinner that he consumed 12 hours earlier.
Once the emergency of the situation had passed…
Potty Pan For Dogs – Litter Pan For Dogs
Thank YOU! Back in October 2009, my local Showcase (aka: As Seen On TV) store advertised the Potty Patch for sale for only $39.99 and $89.99, so I decided to “Google” the Potty Patch and see what I could learn BEFORE purchasing the product. Am I ever glad I took the necessary time to research the product!
Garage Door Opener… Did You Know?
As the old saying goes, “never rains but it pours”… I had my garage door opener ‘die’ a couple of days ago. Off to Lowe’s I went, after discovering during a telephone conversation with a service rep, that batteries for garage door openers were available.
Huh, once I returned home and tried the opener with the new battery installed, I discovered it STILL didn’t work. So, once I had more time, I did a search engine check on my Sears garage door openers…
The Law of The Garbage Truck…
This is among THE best emailed messages I have received to date, so forgive me if you’ve already read this one… but I feel it important enough to post here, and share with the world!