Finding local roofers can be a daunting experience, but it doesn’t have to be. I’m here to let you in on a secret, providing you are interested in learning how to find the best roofers in your area… or any other contractor you may need for repairs to your home, for that matter.
How to Switch Off the Inner Critic
Don’t know about you but for me, some days I would love to give that inner critic a big swift kick to make it just go away.
REVIEW: Best Lower Back Pain Relief
Over the years now, I find that I have needed a stronger pain relief from my lower back pain. In this post I will share with you my journey through time and what I now find to be the best lower back pain relief for me, at this point in time.
Review: Best Tasting Ground Coffee
In order to show you how I came to discover the best tasting ground coffee, I first have to share a little history with you so that you will better understand how I determined this choice, as it was not made over night.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
If you are wondering what is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation… or what is better known as a TENS unit, then one look at the header image should provide you with a quick answer.
Treatment for Lower Back Pain – 5/5 Stars!
Yes, believe it or not, there REALLY is a treatment for lower back pain that actually does WORK!
Coolsculpting does it Really Work? Not for me!
Coolsculpting professes to be a safe procedure that “delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells under the skin”.
Free Trial Scams – Buyers and Affiliate Marketers Need Beware
Boy, there sure are a LOT of unscrupulous vendors out there on the internet and they seem to be the ones offering FREE TRIALS for their products. I got caught up in one such scam when ordering a free sample earlier this year. Pay shipping costs only, they promise you … yeah, right!
Say Bye-Bye to Constant Lower Back and Hip Pain
Having suffered a lower back injury at work back in 1999, I have now been struggling for relief from constant back pain for nearly twenty years. Some days, the pain has been so bad that I couldn’t even walk very far.
You may learn something from all that I’ve gone through, and am now saying bye-bye to constant lower back and hip pain.
10 Major Benefits of Sun Chlorella
Sun Chlorella is a freshwater alga native to Japan and Taiwan. It has a rich history as it was discovered after World War II.