Treatment for Lower Back Pain – 5/5 Stars!

Yes, believe it or not, there REALLY is a treatment for lower back pain that actually does WORK!

Let me first explain how I came across this amazing treatment.

Having FINALLY received an MRI on my spine late in 2017, it was determined by Dr. Stoddard (my stem cell injection doctor) that the damage to my spine was too much for stem cell injections to help with. Instead he suggested I seek help from Dr. Ko, for the possibility of receiving PRP injection therapy to help correct my lower back pain.

Thankfully, my initial consultation with Dr. Ko was covered by OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) and during this session, the doctor did quite an intensive interview. Several in depth tests were requested in order to see if I qualified for PRP injection treatment, given that if a certain virus was in my system, this would be less likely the type of therapy he could recommend.

Apparently there have been severe side-effects experienced with those who it was discovered to have only one Epstein-Barr Virus or EBV found in their system.

In the meantime, he forwarded further treatments for me to Dr. Lawson, as his clinic was now setup to look after the actual PRP injection treatments.

Upon seeking Dr. Lawson’s consultation for the first time (not covered by OHIP, and costing $200), after interviewing me and physically checking over my spine, this doctor ordered yet another test to be run… a ultra sound on the circulation of my legs.

When I shared with Dr. Lawson about having been diagnosed with a neurofibroma in my left calf, MRI view of my lower left legand given the fact that he noticed that I have both kinds of varicose veins, Dr. Lawson thought it best to know if my circulation might also be affected.

WOW! In all of my lifetime of having asked… even begged for help from the many different doctors and one local back specialist that I have seen over the years when suffering with lower back pain, not one has EVER ordered the battery of test that these two doctors ordered.

Talk about being thorough, I am VERY confident with the care of both Dr. Ko and Dr. Lawson, and will recommend their care to ANYONE and EVERYONE!

And yes, I did have to pay ($55 Canadian) for one of the blood tests order by Dr. Ko, as that in depth test was not covered by OHIP, but everything else was… and, my health is worth knowing more!

Before learning of the test results, Dr. Lawson had me see two other Chiropractors for treatments while waiting, and in anticipation of the PRP injections. One was Dr. Tiffany Lai and the other was Dr. Fiona Chan. Both miracle workers… and I mean that seriously folks!

What a relief, to finally meet chiropractors that understand 100% where my pain was coming from AND being able to help to relieve my pain, simply by focusing my treatment to that area.

During my first treatments with both Dr. Lai and Dr. Chan, I shared with them the fact that I receive a regular deep massage from a local registered massage therapist (Qihuan Jiang is his real name but some call him “Bill” Jiang)… and most times, he uses his elbows to dig out my most painful areas in my lower back, which offers me the best relief.

Both Dr. Lai and Dr. Chan treated my Psoas major Beth ohara~commonswiki created this image in category:muscles 2006and Iliacus muscles by doing an active muscle release technique on them in order to stretch them… what sweet relief! Followed by 7 minutes with the interferential current therapy, of which one of the cups was placed on top of my Psoas major and Iliacus muscles (also known as Iliopsoas muscle).

I almost forgot to mention that KLasar therapy was also done on my lower back, before Dr. Lai did the active muscle release technique.

These treatments offered me relief for those muscles like I have NEVER been able to receive previously, so I am VERY thankful to both Dr. Lai and Dr. Chan.

During my second appointment with Dr. Lai, she decided to use her elbow to treat those same muscles. I only discovered that when I suggested she not cause damage to her fingers while trying to help relieve my pain, as she was keeping the pressure on steadily… offering me even more pain relief.

Those muscles pull so very much and are, I’m sure, the guilty culprits that caused the wear and tear on my hip joint to begin with. No specialist previous to my seeking help at the Unionville Health Centre EVER paid attention to these muscles.

Once I had 3 of these treatments; Dr. Chan decided to check out my posture. This is the MIRACLE treatment for lower back pain that I referred to at the start of this post. Read on to learn how you too could get lower back pain relief.

Get Lower Back Pain Relief

After closely studying how I walk, Dr. Chan discovered that I have “lazy arches” (my term, not hers). When she suggested I was walking on my arches, I retorted with something like, “Yeah, I was told a long time ago that I have flat-feet.”

Dr. Chan immediately stated that I am not flat-footed at all, but that I am walking on my arches and this is what is happening to my left hip flexors. She went so far as to demonstrate to me how I was walking, and then immediately offered me a demonstration as to how I should be walking.

It took me several times of walking back and forth within the gym area of Dr. Chan’s clinic before I felt confident enough to say, “I’ve got it!” And for the next few weeks, I did nothing but focus on the proper way to be walking on my left foot.

It wasn’t long before I felt pain in my hip, and sometimes down the front of my left thigh whenever I started to walk on my left foot incorrectly, which was a nice reminder. However, I found that I started causing issues with my right foot and thus hurting my right hip.

Thankfully, sharing this fact with Dr. Chan during my next visit, she was able to study how I was walking (after two weeks of my practicing) and was able to offer me tips on how to correct the way I was using my right foot too.

LOL! Let me tell you… learning to walk properly is NOT easy. Especially when I have been walking incorrectly for HOW MANY YEARS NOW?! LOL!

I’m adamant that I’m going to get this right… and so, back and forth I practiced walking in the gym again, until I was confident enough to continue walking on my own… and low and behold, my level of pain has been reduced by so much that I just HAD to share this news with you… in case you are serious about fixing your lower back pain instead of going under the knife.

Though when practising and walking properly, I do experience lots of electrical-like shocks down the calf of my left leg and down through to my left foot (sometimes making me jump and cringe in pain)… but that is from the neurofibroma.

That pain has NOTHING to do with my Psoas major and Iliacus muscles. And, who knows for sure… maybe this pain added to my unconsciously changing my gait that added to the wear and tear to my left hip that I suffered with.

Dr. Chan and I are still working on improving my gain as it was recently discovered that I need further assistance with how I am walking… and, it usually takes more than two months for a human to learn a new habit-formation so that it becomes more automatic.

As it turned out, the one most important blood test result (the one I had to pay for) proved that I have not 1 but all 3 patterns of Epstein-Barr virus making me no longer a good candidate for PRP injections.

screen print of the blood test results received from doctor's office stating I have all 3 strains of Epstein-Barr Virus

That alone is a MAJOR disappointment for me… but, at least I have other options to consider (thank you Dr. Ko!).

The first option that was offered to me is dextrose injection therapy. Except I have to admit, I’m a little bit squeamish when it comes to this option, given that I would need several more shots in the spine as opposed to the PRP treatment.

So, I am presently waiting to see a Dr. Jacobson, to see if there is ANYTHING he can do to relieve the side effects I suffer from having this EB virus ‘onboard’. And to see if somehow, he can miraculously treat me so that I could then qualify for the PRP therapy, for which I would be eternally grateful… so… pray for me, won’t you?

If you are seriously interested in learning what happens, be sure to return here to my personal blog, as I intend to add more information on this topic once it is available.

It is my intention to share my journey in seeking less intrusive treatments to relieve my lower back pain and share them with others who may be wonder if these treatments work… or not. I hope you found this article helpful and I would sincerely appreciate your sharing it with your friends and family whenever and wherever you want to.

For other pain management reviews that I have covered:

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Given my passion for genealogy, is it any wonder that I eventually wanted to publish my work? Learning to use a personal computer was a natural step once I was introduced it in the 1990s. Then the internet offered a second means to "publish" and now, here I am with a personal blog.

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