Squirrels and Blue Jays do NOT Like Spoon-Sized Shredded Wheat!

Talk about shocked!

…because I can no longer tolerate eating Post’s Spoon-Sized Shredded Wheat anymore (my detailed story on this issue is posted here: https://trishparr.com/two-ingredient-gluten-free-pancakes/#GMO-Sensitivity).

I now have this opened box of cereal sitting in my cupboard waiting to be disposed of.

One morning, while getting breakfast ready for my two, four-legged “kids”, while at the kitchen sink, a squirrel in the tree just outside my window, caught my attention.

It’s the same squirrel I have been feeding peanuts to, and she looked sooooo hungry sitting there sooo cute-like.

Having gone through all the peanuts, I remembered the partial box of cereal still in my cupboard, so, I figured, why not!

I took a large handful of cereal and placed it out on the railing of my backyard deck for easy access for the squirrel.

She was off and running to what I had put out in no time… and I was happy I could help her out again.


Nugget-and-Chloe-9-May-2104 Later that morning, my little Chloe (the cutie on the right of the photo to the left) started barking while looking out the patio door to the backyard deck.

I thought she might have been barking at the squirrel and I wanted to correct her behaviour (I do NOT condone my four-legged “kids” chasing ANY wild animals), so I went directly to the room she was in… and that’s when I noticed two beeeeautiful Blue Jays that were flying and landing in my backyard.

Seems they’d been on the railing too, checking out the cereal I left for the squirrel… BUT …not ONE piece of Spoon-Sized Shredded Wheat had been eaten.

YIKES!!!! What does that tell me? ๐Ÿ˜

Then, after posting this story Your Food Is Poisoning You on Facebook, a “friend” let me know that Monsanto uses Roundup.

WHAT? Noooo way… YEAH?


When I did a Google search of “Monsanto uses roundup?” (without the quotation marks, of course), I received ALL sorts of evidence that she was RIGHT!

Here’s some of THE best detailed stories that I found in my search results:

1.) Dr. Andres Carrasco, 67, neuroscientist fought Monsanto over Roundup

2.) GMO and Monsanto Roundup: Glyphosate Weedkiller in our Food and Water?

3.) Roundup Herbicide A Trigger For Autism Says MIT

4.) Monsanto’s Roundup Is the Most Used Herbicide in NYC

Is it any WONDER I had severe case of diarrhea (and gas too, but I failed to mention that previously <blush, blush>) after eating this cereal? WOW!

And, I Thank God (literally!) for social media and TV (Dr. Oz!) or I might have wasted my doctor’s precious time trying to resolve something as basic as this.

Should I EVER decide to return to eating ANY breakfast cereal in the future, I shall offer it to the squirrels first. If they eats it, ๐Ÿ™‚ then I’ll KNOW it’s safe to eat!

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Given my passion for genealogy, is it any wonder that I eventually wanted to publish my work? Learning to use a personal computer was a natural step once I was introduced it in the 1990s. Then the internet offered a second means to "publish" and now, here I am with a personal blog.

2 thoughts on “Squirrels and Blue Jays do NOT Like Spoon-Sized Shredded Wheat!”

    • Hi Jeri,
      Thank you for taking the time to comment. Bet you feel bad now for having disguised that cereal, tricking the squirrels into eating it … though, the squirrels here in southern Ontario, Canada might have eaten off the peanut butter but STILL left the cereal. Guess Ontario squirrels are fussier eaters than those in Florida. ๐Ÿ™‚


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