Have you ever purchased products online that you thought looked pretty awesome but turned out to be the worst products purchased online?
Yeah, well I certainly have had more than my share of disappointments this year.
Purchase #1
While working in Pinterest, I saw what I thought was the most awesome dress ever. How many of you saw this one too?
For days, I was able to resist it… but then one day, when I clicked on the pin and visited the site selling this dress, I noticed that… Wow, and 13 people purchased this dress and gave it 5 stars, so it MUST be as awesome as it looks, right?
The model must have had many, many pins or pegs at the back of her dress when modeling this dress.
Boy was I ever disappointed with THIS purchase.
To the right of this is my photograph of the dress I received that fits me well in the shoulders, ONLY. It looks TERRIBLE on.
In order to fit this dress, I would need to have a large, rectangular body… which I do NOT have.
There is NOTHING I can easily do to fix this dress so that it is wearable either, short of remaking the garment.
Besides the lack of proper shaping of this dress, the fabric is completely sheer.
On the model, it appears the dress has a lining in it. But… SURPRISE, it does NOT! Though it COULD be used as a bathing suit cover… maybe.
Purchase #2
When I first saw a commercial similar to the following video, I thought about buying these for a friend of mine who suffers with bad knees, yet loves to do gardening.
Again, after seeing a muted video clip on several occasions while working on Pinterest, I decided to purchase a set, as a gift for my friend.
Once these knee braces arrived in my daily mail, I anxiously called up my friend to let him know that I had a surprise for him, but that he would have to come for a visit to discover what the surprise was.
Well, after several failed attempts of getting one on, he FINALLY succeeded at placing it on his knee as it should be. Upon trying it out, he exclaimed that it does NOTHING for his bad knee, nothing at all.
I was so taken aback that such a product would exist online for as long as this one has, especially if it DIDN’T do as it claimed that I decided (silly me!) to Google search for reviews on this product. After much searching through so many videos SELLING this product, well… the following video is what I discovered.
So, now you can learn from my failure to CHECK, CHECK and TRIPLE check for reviews if necessary, on ANYTHING that seems to good to be true, because chances are it is not what it is claimed to be.
Needless to say, this too was a wasted purchase.
Purchase #3
Having recently renovated my kitchen with an awesome tile flooring, I have now become quite aware of why my chosen kitchen designer informed me that I may want to install felt pads on my kitchen chair legs, in order to reduce the noise when pushing and pulling a chair up to and out from the table… and, especially when pulling a chair up to the table, once you’re seated.
My kitchen set is black, and the chair legs not only sounded terrible when pulling the chair out to sit on it, but I noticed the chair legs are having the paint literally rubbed off them. Yet, this never happened on the linoleum flooring I had previously.
And once again, while working on Pinterest, I saw a video commercial similar to the following video.
And decided to send for enough square, silicone protectors for my 4 chairs.
As soon as they arrived, I went to work installing four of them on one chair, so that I could test them out. LOL!
Once these silicone protectors were in place and the chair restored to an upright position, I tried sitting in it to pull it up to the table. That’s when I realized it was STUCK in place exactly where I sat on it.
Upon getting up, I tried pushing the chair back up to the table and discover that too was an impossibility. After which, I removed the 4 silicone protectors and added these to the stack of worst products purchased online.
Thankfully, I did not lose as much money on these as I did on the first two purchases detailed above.
However, I have discovered what I THINK may be a better chair protector, which are detailed in the video below this.
If you have already purchased these protectors and can tell me how well they actually work, I would truly appreciate hearing from you. Simply let me know about your experience in a comment below and you will be notified once I have responded.
Am bringing these products to your attention so that YOU won’t waste YOUR money discovering what I did.
I have now become a MAJOR doubting-Thomas when it comes to Pinterest video commercials and clothing outlets like the one mentioned in Purchase #1.
Now I need to add the 3M Command Hooks to this list of worst purchases.
After renovating my kitchen last fall, I was reluctant to hang a clock that my birth-mother (long deceased) created for me, above my kitchen window, as I felt it would truly require a nail be put in the clock board that was specially installed for the clock to be hung from. A friend of mine recommended using these hooks, so back in January, I hung the clock using one of these hooks not to damage the clock board permanently.
On 12 September 2020, while working in my office, in a room directly below my kitchen, I heard a loud bang noise. Rushing upstairs to make sure both of my dogs were okay (one was in my office with me), I then started looking around for what could have possibly caused the loud bang.
Standing at the entry of my kitchen from the hallway, I noticed a small battery on the kitchen floor… one that I KNEW it was NOT there when I went to my office. It took me a few seconds to realize that this battery came from the clock that hung above my sink. So, I carefully stepped into the kitchen looking around for evidence of the clock, and then noticed it in my new kitchen sink… in pieces.
I do have to admit my relief when learning that the noise was not one of my dogs getting hurt.
However, upon cleaning up the mess in my kitchen, I noticed that both my brand-new kitchen sink AND kitchen tap were now BOTH sporting dents, adding insult to injury.
Please, do NOT trust your valuable wall hangings with these hooks that need have nothing more than mere ounces (if any!) hanging from them.
Should you have a list of your worst products purchased online, I would love to know about them. Please leave them in a comment below, and I will respond in a timely manner.
Credit for Header: image by Photo 172647699 © Mykola Kravchenko | Dreamstime.com