Anti-Aging Creams That Work – Think These Might Surprise You

Anti-aging creams that really work is what I intend on sharing here with you. These creams have easily taken 10 years off my complexion.

No need of worrying about a costly face lift with prices that easily range anywhere from $18,000 or more for the first surgery; OUCH! Right? Never mind the pain and inconvenience of surgery, especially when using creams regularly can do THIS.

Having been told soooo many times now that I do not look my age, you will need to forgive me, though I see that aged woman that I truly am whenever I look into my morning mirror. However, others obviously do not… and I have heard this comment said far too many times to think it flattery.

Over the years there have been friends who have asked me what my secret is, and I truly thought it was all in my genes. And though I am sure my lineage has something to do with it, I am now convinced that the creams (and one other treatment years ago that I will tell you of too) that I have been using over the years have helped me to preserve some youthful appearance to my skin.

Let me begin with a little history…

Years ago, my dermatologist prescribed a cream for my face that was to be applied every night, faithfully, before going to bed; the reason for this was that I was suffering from a mild case of rosacea. I do remember that while using this cream I was to remain out of direct sunlight as it would make my skin very sensitive. I even experienced some mild irritation around my eye lids.

Thankfully, I have only ever been prescribed a topical therapy and never any oral medications for treating my skin problem.

Am guessing that is due to the fact that the worse I ever suffered from rosacea is from foreign looking bumps… or like some of us from my generation used to call these bumps, pore less pimples. In other words you could squeeze and squeeze and you would only ever damage the skin but nothing would be seen to be coming out like would from squeezing an actual pimple.

Fast forward a few years…

Then come about 2005-6, and after my dermatologist had retired, one of the ingredients in the cream that he prescribed for my use was taken off the market.

Back then, it was told to me that this ingredient was an American product… and I learned that during those years many pharmaceutical companies seemed to “draw a line in the sandbox”, and if the profits were exactly “this high” on a particular product then that product was discontinued. I had even learned that the other more profitable medicines were then shipped off to be made in China from then on. Apparently, this was done to increase their profit margins.


So much for progress… right?

Anyway, during the time that my local pharmacy was trying to find a replacement for the ingredient that was discontinued, my rosacea started to come back with a vengeance.

Obviously, I started to panic, but thankfully by then I had the internet to turn to for help, so I started doing my research.

Long story shortened, LOL… shortly after that is when I discovered a new therapy called laser treatment for rosacea that some medical centers were starting to offer… and I found a clinic close enough for me to consult with; Skin Vitality Medical Clinic.

store front of Skin Vitality Medical Clinic in Ajax, Ontario

They are located in Ajax, and are easily arrived at from my residence. All I had to do was use the main road just north of my home… Rossland Road where I would turn left and head west to Westney Road, then I turned left on Westney and traveled south to just before Highway 2, where at the mall with the Shoppers Drug Mart, I would turn left. Their clinic is next to Shoppers… easy peasy.

That treatment cost me a lot but was so well worth it as they truly helped get my rosacea back in check.

There was no need of my continuing that therapy (thankfully, as it wasn’t long after that when I lost my job) as my local pharmacy was able to find a replacement ingredient that works well enough to minimize my rosacea, though no where nearly as well as the original ingredient.

Moving along in time again…

The big push seemed to start back some time in 2007-8, where every major company had to have an age defying, magical potion to offer all of us aging baby-boomers.

Shoppers Drug Mart was not to be left out of that market either and so they had their line of Vichy creams and serums to offer their customers.picture of Vichy's Liftactiv Retinol HA

Back then, my local Shoppers Drug Mart (on Taunton at Ritson) had an incredible team of women who worked at the cosmetic counter and they really knew their cosmetics, which by this point in time, I had already learned that I could trust their judgements in previous years, so when they recommended I try the first product, I did.

That was Vichy’s LiftActiv Retinol HA Concentrate, which I use faithfully, every day. On the tube itself, it is clearly marked as being Advanced Concentrate. sadly, is no longer available. Am guessing, due to a lack of sales. 🙁

Please do read through this entire post before you skip off and buy any of these creams, so that you will be totally informed as to what to expect when using them… as a friend was shocked at her experience… though I’m sure she now understands once I explained why… and that this was a benefit.

Vichy's Liftactiv Serum 10 SupremeAnyway, after using this stuff for about four tubes worth, time wise (each tube lasts a LONG time), and while shopping at Shoppers Drug Mart, I stepped into a conversation that another customer was having with the cosmetic saleslady when I heard this customer say that she would never want to be without Vichy’s LiftActiv Serum 10.

Obviously, my ears perked up and I listened to what she had to say. Then I asked if it would do me any good as I was already using the Retinol version of Vichy. Both the customer and the Shoppers Drug Mart saleslady said, yes of course it would.

So that is when I added the LiftActiv Serum 10 Supreme to my regular morning routine before applying my makeup.

How to Prevent Turkey Neck

Some of you may be wondering what I mean by turkey neck… here is my explanation… it’s a term that my generation started using when watching those before us age. You know, when the skin on your neck starts to weaken and hang loosely because your skin is losing its elasticity.

picture of a woman rubbing her neck with cream
Image by: ID 78385641 © Igor Stevanovic |

In order to help slow down that look of turkey neck that all aging humans eventually end up with, I make sure to use both those creams on my neck too… every morning before applying my makeup. It really works… but there is more to this so, please DO keep reading…

Now, what I found is best for me to do in my morning routine is to first apply only my prescribed cream on my face. Once that has soaked in (usually by the time I have applied mousse to my wet hair), I then apply the Serum 10, and go about putting on my mascara.

By the time my mascara has been applied, I then add the Retinol HA to the same areas that I rubbed the Serum into, and then I continue finishing my making by applying my eyebrow powder and then brushing my teeth.

By that time, those creams have all had an opportunity to do their magic.

That is when I stand over my bathroom sink and start to drag the palms of my hands (starting with the heels of my hands) over my cheeks to get the skin to start peeling off in tiny rolled up pieces that eventually fall into the sink, followed by using my finger tips.

Sometimes I will even use a facial tissue once I realize the extent of the peeling skin and the moisturized surface of my skin. However, you need to find what works best for you when doing this.

At first, this amount of peeling might scare you a bit… but you need NOT be too concerned, as long as there is no actual redness or… for course, bleeding being caused.

This peeling is only taking off the dead, dried out layer of skin that if left in place will make tiny wrinkles appear on your face.

After doing this with my hands, I have had to literally wash my hands with soap from  rubbing off the loose skin from my face and neck due to the excess amount of moisturizer coming off with the dead skin.

Just be sure not to go crazy with rubbing the dead skin off. Be gentle is ALWAYS best, and go slow to start.

No one warned me of this peeling happening, and I only discovered this effect after several uses. The first time I remember this happening, I was away from home and was caught a bit off guard when simply touching my face with my fingers.

At first, I thought it might be due to my prescription cream. Now I’m not so sure… because a friend I told about these creams informed me that she had stopped using them as it sort of “freaked her out” when she first experienced mild irritation from the cream.

Now I realized it was more than just my prescribed cream causing the dead skin to roll off like this, so I let her know of this peeling step.

You see, I had forgotten that way back when my dermatologist first prescribed that really strong cream… you know, the one I told you about that had the ingredient discontinued… well, when first using that cream I noticed the very same type of irritation happening around the same areas of my face that she explained as experiencing.

Huh! I truly had forgotten that part… until Diane shared this with me.

So… if that should happen to you, at least you will know. Testing these creams on your own skin before just jumping in like I did would be a better idea.

Added New Cream

Only one of the knowledgeable salesladies at my local Shoppers Drug Mart is left as many changes have happened over recent years. Thankfully this saleslady is really well-informed when it comes to the products available at her counter.

Vichy's Liftactiv Supreme Anti-wrinkle and firming careI have now added a new Vichy cream to my routine… LiftActiv Supreme Anti-wrinkle and firming care. I had seen it advertised on TV and their commercial claimed this contained collagen, though I don’t see any of that mentioned on their product page. Hmmm…

This cream promises to help counteract daily aging for a more youthful looking skin. I use this between my temples and my eyes… you know, where those tiny lines just looooove to be exaggerated some days… as well as using it on the wrinkles all around my mouth and neck.

Earlier in my life, I suffered with extremely oily skin, and yes, NOW I know that has something to do with the gift I received in my genes.

But since those oils seemed to have vanished from my skin since so many years have now gone by, those tiny lines are trying their best to stay in place on my face.

However, I am determined to fight the aging process as much as possible for as long as possible, and so far, this cream really is living up to its promises.

Those bulldog looking jowls my mother had are NOT for me… praying smilie not if I can help it.

And now for my very favourite, secret age defying product; one that I discovered years ago now which takes those awful black rings from under your eyes away. Yes, those black rings under your eyes really do act to make your face look older too.

Here is what I have found that covers those black circles for the entire day! It won’t cake off or clog your pores either. It is called Smart Cover® Concealing Creme (which sadly, is no longer available in 2024) and it comes in different skin tones so that you can match yours.

It may seem expensive at first, but WOW, once you see how long it lasts, how well it covers and how little you need to use every day, this stuff becomes priceless.

Whether you have a question to ask me about these age defying creams or you simply want to discuss what works best for you, I hope you will feel free to leave a comment below; looking forward to chatting with you real soon.

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Header Image: by ID 78386021 © Igor Stevanovic |

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Given my passion for genealogy, is it any wonder that I eventually wanted to publish my work? Learning to use a personal computer was a natural step once I was introduced it in the 1990s. Then the internet offered a second means to "publish" and now, here I am with a personal blog.

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